
Friday 20 December 2013

Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises

In no particular order then, below is a short list of reasons why you need to get yourself a new speed rope and get skipping ...

Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises
10-Minute Jump Rope Workout: Skip Yourself Slim - Fitness Magazine Alexa Traffic Rank for 6, › ... › Express Workouts‎ Burn 135 calories fast with this jump rope express workout that sculpts your ... Readers of Fitness Magazine get 20% off their orders, use code - FITMAG - at ... 12 reasons to do a skipping workout - At-home - Zest Alexa Traffic Rank for 177,‎ Mar 11, 2012 - The effort it takes to jump rope for 10 minutes is the equivalent of running a mile in eight minutes. One hour of rope skipping will burn 1,300 ... Jump-Rope Cardio - Men's Fitness Alexa Traffic Rank for 4, › Training‎ According to the Compendium of Physical Studies, jumping rope for 10 minutes can ... No wonder many fitness experts call the jump rope the best all-around piece of exercise equipment you can own. Here are five reasons to learn the ropes: 1. ... Rest 30 seconds, and then do another 30 reps, swinging the rope backward. Jumping Rope Exercise Benefits: Burning Calories, Weight Loss Alexa Traffic Rank for‎ The exercise surface is very important. Do not attempt to jump on carpet, grass, concrete, or asphalt. While carpet reduces impact, the downside is it grabs your ... 23 Skipping Rope Exercises for a Killer Body - YouTube ► 5:42► 5:42 Alexa Traffic Rank for‎ Oct 23, 2011 - Uploaded by Bloom to Fit The jump rope is ... "V- CUT" Lower Abs & Oblique ... 3 Benefits of Jump Rope Fitness / Fitness / Exercises - FitDay Alexa Traffic Rank for 6, › Home › Fitness › Exercises‎ This article discusses three ways that you jump rope can be used to improve ... perform your daily tasks, but you will become less breathless during exercise as well. ... because the muscles have been working hard enough to cause microtears. Jumping Rope for Fitness | SparkPeople Alexa Traffic Rank for 3, › Fitness Articles › Focused Fitness‎ I believe that most people would say jumping rope is for play, not for exercise. After all, you ... Here are several reasons why you might want to give it a try:. Learn How to Jump Rope Like a Pro: 7 Tips - BuiltLean Alexa Traffic Rank for 39,‎ by Marc Perry - in 121 Google+ circles Aug 6, 2010 - Most of my training clients do not know how to jump rope properly at their ... reason I created the preceding video is so you can watch how I do it ... Jump Rope Workout Plan: Burn Fat in 20 Minutes - Shape Magazine Alexa Traffic Rank for 4,‎ Feb 24, 2013 - This is placeholder image caption for Jump Rope Workout ... Try adding this routine to your existing strength plan or do it alone as a cardio ... 10 reasons why we at Evolve advise to jump rope - Evolve ... Alexa Traffic Rank for 5,718,‎ Jan 15, 2013 - We do believe in skipping rope because it will get your blood flowing ... the impact of rope jumping exercise on health-related physical fitness.
In fitness and workouts, fads come and go but jump ropes have been around for hundreds of years and will probably be around for plenty more. Making use of a speed rope might seem like "old-fashioned" but this simple form of workout is still around for one reason and one factor only; it works!

Skipping isn't just for boxers and school kids either; it's an effective type of workout with so many benefits that really, the title of the article ought to have been why everybody should do speed rope workouts!

xxx1. Speed rope workouts can help you reach then maintain your ideal weight. Skipping will certainly elevate your metabolism and burn calories which when combined with a reduced calorie diet will certainly lead to increased fat burning.

2. Using a speed rope will certainly improve your coordination and balance. This means you'll be a lot more nimble and athletic and less prone to suffering a fall -- important for older exercisers and sportsman alike.

3. Speed rope can help increase your bone mass. As you age, your bones start to lose density and can become brittle. Physical exercises like skipping strengthen your bones and can help reduce, remove and even reverse bone loss.

4. Skipping improves the condition and for that reason the health of your heart and lungs. This reduces your risk of suffering numerous diseases including coronary heart disease, strokes, cardiac arrest and hypertension.

5. Skipping is not weather-dependant. Running or cycling in the rain and snow are at best uncomfortable and even worse dangerous. You can use a speed rope in the comfort of your garage, lobby or at the fitness center without having to worry about facing the elements and freezing your butt off!

6. Speed rope are very fairly priced. Costing less compared to one average-quality running shoe, speed rope represents exceptional value for money. Hardwearing and portable, very few workout options offer such an excellent workout for so little money.

7. Speed rope workouts do not just strengthen your legs; they also work your arms and shoulders too! Skipping is virtually a full-body workout as it uses many of your major muscles. Your chest, shoulders and arms get a fantastic workout along with your hips and legs. This is why skipping is such an efficient calorie burning activity.

8. Once mastered, skipping will certainly provide you with endless workout variations. You can skip fast or slow, do tricks such as double unders and cross overs, move forward, backwards or sideways, use 1 or 2 footed landings, skip to music, do interval training ... all with nothing more than a speed rope. There is no need to ever get bored with skipping!

9. Skipping is an excuse-free workout. All you require is your rope and some room and you have every little thing you need to get in and stay in great shape. No fancy or pricey equipment necessary, no expensive gym charges to pay, no need to purchase specialist clothing ... just grab your rope and skip your way to fitness and health!

Skipping could just well be the most effective workout you aren't doing so why not get a rope and jump in? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from joining the ranks of regular rope skippers throughout the world.
Title: Live Healthy - Reasons to do Skipping Rope Exercises; Written by ; Rating: 5 from 5

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